Ashland ATV ClubATV Maine2023-11-06T16:07:50-05:00 2023 -2024 Member Ashland AT V ClubMeeting are held at the Ashland Rec Department on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm. 2022 Membership ApplicationContact The Club PO BOX 184 Ashland, ME 04732 Find Us on Facebook Clyde Hafford JR. President 207-762-0406 Kirstina Hafford Secretary 207-762-0411 Carlton Tibbetts Trail Master 573-489-5348 Kirstina Hafford ATV Maine Alternate Director 207-762-0411 Nicolas Belanger Vic President 207-227-8296 Gabrielle Belanger Treasurer 2078-227-8296 Clyde Hafford JR ATV Maine Director 207-762-0406 Club SponsorsNorthern Maine Diesel LLC 77 Station St Ashland, ME 207-551-0634 Outdoor Extreme INC 191 Parsons Rd #1 Presque Isle, ME 207-760-7507 C & A Home Improvement LLC 562 Sheridan RD Ashland, ME 207-762-0406 If you like the informatoin please share. FacebookXRedditLinkedInPinterestEmail