About the
Recognition Committee
In December of 2011, by a vote of the Directors of ATV Maine, a new committee was formed. The Recognition Committee was established with the directive to “acknowledge and honor” members who are doing “Outstanding” service to advancing ATV’ing in Maine.
The Committee’s first meeting was in January 2012 in Bangor, Maine. They established a set of working guidelines for themselves, three categories of recognition, and a process for ATV Maine members to be nominated. The Committee also created a category that allowed them to honor a person that volunteered at the state level in ATV Maine.
In April of 2012, at the ATV Maine Annual Banquet in Brewer, Maine, the first four recipients were honored and plaques were awarded. Since then, ATV Maine has continued the tradition of thanking its volunteers at the Annual Banquet.

ATV Maine Recognition
Award Recipients
April 2012
- Dedication Award: Mike Fergerson – for his work in the western area, and working with the Appalachian Trail Club to get an ATV trail across their land.
- Challenge Award: River Valley Club – for the Stockbridge Trail.
- Community Service Award: Pat Hamor, Acadia Area ATV’ers – “Christmas for Kids” program.
- Committee Choice Award: Real Deschaine, Madawaska Valley ATVenture Club – for years of service at the local and state level.
April 2013
- Dedication Award: No nominee
- Challenge Award: No nominee
- Community Service Award: No nominee
- Committee Choice Award: Ken Snowdon, Moosehead ATV Riders Club – for VP of Central Maine region, signage of MATS trail system in the Central area.
April 2014
- Dedication Award: Dave Coulters, Aroostook Valley ATV Club – for longevity of service to ATV Maine at the state level, and established a working relationship with Irving Woodland which helped open their land for ATV’ing.
- Challenge Award: Mike Lanoutte, Ed Coleman, and Bill Watters, Southern Maine ATV Club – Logistics and challenges of building trails in their region.
- Committee Choice Award: Dave Phillips, Friends & Neighbors ATV Club – For commitment to motivate and create interest in ATV’ing statewide.