Looking to join a club? With 65 member clubs, so you’re likely to find one near you.
Click here to see our state wide map of ATV Maine affiliated clubs.
News Alerts and Trail Information
Find out what ATV Maine and your local clubs have been up to!
Looking for something to do this weekend? Check out our upcoming activates to plan your next outing!
Some information about our great sponsor organizations.
Trail Information
Gas Tax Study UPDATED 2024
Hello Trail Users, welcome to the new year and we hope it will be less rain than last year. Just an update to the letter [...]
Letter to the Governor for trail assistance funds
ATV Main president John Raymond has drafted a letter to Governor Mills as well as other State departments to ask for funding for all the [...]
What is the Recreational Trails Program?
The dates for the new funding for 2019 are not posted yet. Click here to get to the website from DACF and book mark it [...]
Why Should I Join a Club
The question of the year. Why should I join a club. There are many different answers to this. Some of the reasons, but not all, [...]
Online Safety Course
Everyone has been asking "When will Maine have an ONLINE safety course". The answer is they have always had one, now its improved. The course [...]
Water Damage on The Whistle Stop Trail. Its CLOSED till repaired.
ATV Trail Notice 06/30/2023 07:19 AM EDT Closure: The Railroad Bed from Jay to Farmington (Whistle Stop Trail) is closed due to substantial rain and [...]
News Alerts
Gas Tax Study UPDATED 2024
Hello Trail Users, welcome to the new year and we hope it will be less rain than last year. Just an update to the letter [...]
Letter to the Governor for trail assistance funds
ATV Main president John Raymond has drafted a letter to Governor Mills as well as other State departments to ask for funding for all the [...]
What is the Recreational Trails Program?
The dates for the new funding for 2019 are not posted yet. Click here to get to the website from DACF and book mark it [...]
Why Should I Join a Club
The question of the year. Why should I join a club. There are many different answers to this. Some of the reasons, but not all, [...]
Is your club registered with the State of Maine
It does not matter if you belong to ATV Maine or not. ALL club's need to be registered with the State of Maine. This helps [...]
Online Safety Course
Everyone has been asking "When will Maine have an ONLINE safety course". The answer is they have always had one, now its improved. The course [...]

To Apply for the
Directors and Officers Application
From Underwriter United States Liability Insurance.
Fill it out and email it back to Brenda Spurling at Averial Insurance Company
They will review it and contact you directly with either a questions or a quote.