Position Title: President
Reports to: Executive Board
Position Status: ☐ Hired ☐ Stipend ☒ Volunteer (Voted)
Voted by: Board of Directors
General Qualifications:
• To protect the integrity of the organization.
• To attend all regional, annual, Executive Board, and any other meetings that the Executive Board deems necessary.
• Must have good leadership skills and the ability to delegate tasks.
• Must have excellent diplomatic and communication skills for the level of the position.
• Must be a self-motivator.
• Must be a member of an ATV Maine affiliated club.
• Must have basic computer skills.
The President shall implement the policies, objectives, and goals of ATV Maine, as established by the Board of Directors, for overseeing the orderly growth of ATV Maine.
1. The President shall be responsible for overseeing day to day operations of ATV Maine.
2. The President shall prepare an agenda for all regional meetings, send it to the Webmaster, and preside
over all ATV Maine meetings.
3. The President is designated as one of the three “official spokespersons” for ATV Maine, the others being
the Governmental Relations Coordinator and Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator.
4. The President shall call Executive Board meetings as necessary.
5. The President must understand and follow:
a) ATV Maine’s Bylaws;
b) ATV Maine’s Rules and Guidelines;
c) ATV Maine’s Policies;
d) Robert’s Rules of Order (unless in conflict with a), b) or c) above).
6. The President will be responsible for overseeing ATV Maine’s finances in accordance with the By-Laws.
7. The President will be responsible for presenting the annual budget of ATV Maine at the Annual Banquet.
8. The President has no vote on issues that come before ATV Maine unless there is a tie vote, and then
the President will cast the deciding vote.
9. The President can appoint a committee as needed for activities.
10. The President will be impartial, fair, and courteous while carrying out the business of ATV Maine.
11. The President will be charged with insuring that all officer/official positions are filled according to the
By-laws and Rules and Guidelines, including all committees.
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12. The President will be a partner with the Trails Vice President in negotiating and submitting the
trails contract by Dec 31st of each year.
13. The President will sign, manage, update, create, track, and refine all of ATV Maine’s contracts.
14. The President will oversee the work performed by the contractors.
15. The President, in conjunction with the Governmental Relations Coordinator, will maintain
effective communication with state and federal officials as well as our lobbying firm(s)
Revised 9-2014
Position Title: Vice President
Reports to: President
Position Status: ☐ Hired ☐ Stipend ☒ Volunteer (Voted)
Voted by: Board of Directors
General Qualifications:
• To protect the integrity of the organization.
• To attend all regional, annual, Executive Board, and any other meetings that the Executive Board
deems necessary.
• Must have good leadership skills and the ability to delegate tasks.
• Must have excellent diplomatic and communication skills for the level of the position.
• Must be a self-motivator.
• Must be a member of an ATV Maine affiliated club.
• Must have basic computer skills.
The Vice President shall implement the policies, objectives, and goals of ATV Maine, as established by the Board of Directors, for overseeing the orderly growth of ATV Maine.
1. In the absence of the President, the Vice President will:
a) Conduct the ATV Maine meeting.
b) Attend outside meetings the President is not be able to attend, to represent ATV Maine.
c) Any other responsibilities delegated by the President.
d) Assume the duties of the President.
2. The office of the Vice President shall serve as a leadership training position for the office of President.
3. The Vice President must understand and follow:
a) ATV Maine’s By-Laws;
b) ATV Maine’s Rules and Guidelines;
c) ATV Maine’s Policies; and
d) Robert’s Rules of Order (unless in conflict with a), b), or c) above).
4. The Vice President will set up reservations for, and coordinate, Sportsman Shows, banquets, and
public events.
5. The Vice President will oversee and set yearly goals in conjunction with the Trails Vice President,
Regional Vice Presidents, and District Representatives.
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Position Title: Secretary
Reports to: President
Position Status: ☐ Hired ☒ Stipend ☒ Volunteer (Voted)
Voted by: Board of Directors
Stipend (if any) $600.00 per year
General Qualifications:
• To protect the integrity of the organization.
• To attend all regional, annual, and any other meetings that the Executive Board deems necessary.
• Must have good leadership skills and the ability to delegate tasks.
• Must have excellent diplomatic and communication skills for the level of the position.
• Must be a self-motivator.
• Must be a member of an ATV Maine affiliated club.
• Must have basic computer skills.
The Secretary must understand and follow:
a) ATV Maine’s By-Laws;
b) ATV Maine’s Rules and Guidelines;
c) ATV Maine’s Policies; and
d) Robert’s Rules of Order (unless in conflict with a), b), or c) above).
The Secretary will be the communicator between the officers and the general membership of ATV Maine. The Secretary will:
1. Take minutes at regular meetings and trail committee meetings.
2. Transcribe and e-mail minutes for Webmaster to post, after Presidential approval.
3. Provide the minutes, all forms, and other pertinent data at all regular ATV Maine meetings.
4. Be responsible for creating and maintaining the meeting schedule for ATV Maine.
5. Keep a copy of ATV Maine’s incorporation papers, By-Laws, Rules and Guidelines, and ATV Maine’s Policies; and have them available for easy reference during meetings.
6. Read the minutes from the previous meeting for the Board of Directors approval and make corrections if necessary.
Revised 9-2014
Position Title: Treasurer
Reports to: President
Position Status: ☐ Hired ☒ Stipend ☒ Volunteer (Voted)
Voted by: Board of Directors
Stipend (if any) $600.00 per year
General Qualifications:
• The Treasurer must be Bonded.
• To protect the integrity of the organization.
• To attend all regional, annual and any other meetings that the Executive Board deems necessary.
• Must have good leadership skills and the ability to delegate tasks.
• Must have excellent diplomatic and communication skills to the level of the position.
• Must be a self-motivator.
• Must be a member of an ATV Maine affiliated club.
• Must have advanced computer skills.
The Treasurer must understand and follow:
a) ATV Maine’s By-Laws;
b) ATV Maine’s Rules and Guidelines;
c) ATV Maine’s Policies; and
d) Robert’s Rules of Order (unless in conflict with a), b), or c) above)
The Treasurer shall perform the day to day financial transactions of ATV Maine which include but are not limited to:
1. Process and verify incoming funds with the documents provided.
2. Problem solve any discrepancies between funds received and the paperwork submitted.
3. Notify clubs of any overages or shortages.
4. Pay any incoming bills.
5. Create invoices for money owed to ATV Maine.
6. Enter all transactions into the current accounting program.
7. Process Trail Committee expense reports and any other reports needed or requested.
8. Process brochure forms from the dealers who pay for individual club memberships.
9. Organize information for the annual budget and audit.
10. The Treasurer will be the registered agent for the incorporation charter with the State of Maine.
11. The Treasurer will not pay any expenses, unless approved, as in accordance with the By-Laws.
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12. Provide a written financial report for the ATV Maine meetings.
13. Always retain appropriate documentation for all transactions indefinitely
Revised 9-2014
Position Title: Regional Vice President
Reports to: Vice President
Position Status: ☐ Hired ☐ Stipend ☒ Volunteer (Voted)
Voted by: Board of Directors
General Qualifications:
• To protect the integrity of the organization.
• To attend all regional, annual, trails committee, and any other meetings that the Executive Board deems necessary.
• Must have good leadership skills and the ability to delegate tasks.
• Must have excellent diplomatic and communication skills for the level of the position.
• Must be a self-motivator.
• Must be a member of an ATV Maine affiliated club.
• Must have basic computer skills.
1. The Regional Vice President will be responsible for providing any resources needed to promote the success of clubs in their region.
2. To provide resources to promote development of new clubs within their region.
3. To support and promote all endeavors of the clubs which align with ATV Maine.
4. Coordinate the efforts of each District Representative in their region.
5. Solicit and appoint one District Representative for every 10 clubs in their region.
6. Responsible for the development of the trail system, in conjunction with the Trails Vice President, utilizing the District Representatives for:
a. Interconnecting trails
b. Trails inspections
7. Regional Vice President needs to obtain the ATV Maine meeting hosting club and hotel information for the ATV Maine Regional meeting when the meeting is in their region.
8. Regional Vice President needs to obtain the helmet for the Helmet Award for the ATV Maine Regional meeting when the meeting is in their region.
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Position Title: District Representatives
Reports to: Regional Vice President
Position Status: ☐ Hired ☐ Stipend ☐ Volunteer (Voted) ☒Volunteer (Appointed/Voted)
Appointed by: Regional Vice President
General Qualifications:
• To protect the integrity of the organization.
• Must have good leadership skills and the ability to delegate tasks.
• Must have excellent diplomatic and communication skills for the level of the position.
• Must be a self-motivator.
• Must be a member of an ATV Maine affiliated club.
• Must have basic computer skills.
The District Representative will help organize clubs and assist them to be successful. The District Representative will make annual visits to each club to maintain an open line of communication.
The District Representative is also responsible for:
a. Timely response to any club requesting help.
b. Performing trail inspections, including reports to Regional Vice President and Trails Vice President.
c. Staying up-to-date on current laws and following them.
d. Staying abreast of all available resources to deal with problems beyond his/her capabilities.
e. Demonstrating how to get started by filling out the pertinent paperwork, membership forms, corporation paperwork, grant applications, and DACF forms, as well as explaining the purpose and benefits of joining ATV Maine.
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Position Title: Trails Vice President
Reports to: Vice President
Position Status: ☐ Hired ☐ Stipend ☒ Volunteer (Voted)
Voted by: Board of Directors
Term Limit:
General Qualifications:
• To protect the integrity of the organization.
• To attend all regional, annual, trails committee, and any other meetings that the Executive Board deems necessary.
• Must have good leadership skills and the ability to delegate tasks.
• Must have excellent diplomatic and communication skills for the level of the position.
• Must be a self-motivator.
• Must be a member of an ATV Maine affiliated club.
• Must have basic computer skills.
The Trails Vice President will be responsible for the following:
1. Responsible for the development of the Maine ATV Trail System (MATS).
2. Identify disconnects of the MATS Trail system and to assist the Regional Vice President to resolve the trail disconnect, in association with the clubs.
3. Responsible to make decisions on which trails should be inspected each year and ensure its completion.
4. Conduct training sessions on GPS use, mapping, trail construction, bridge construction, proper ditching and drainage, signage, and all other aspects of trail development.
5. Will be the Chairperson of the Trails Committee:
a Schedule meetings;
b Create agenda for meetings; and
c Negotiate Trails Contract with the Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry in
conjunction with ATV Maine President.
6. Responsible for filing all necessary reports with the Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
and copies to Treasurer.
7. Must be State certified for Wetlands construction.
Revised 9-2014
Position Title: Safety Officer
Reports to: President
Position Status: ☐ Hired ☐ Stipend ☒ Volunteer (Voted)
Appointed/hired by: Board of Directors
Term Limit: Yearly
General Qualifications:
To protect the integrity of the organization.
Must have good leadership skills and the ability to delegate tasks.
Must have excellent diplomatic and communication skills for the level of the position.
Must be a self-motivator.
Must be a member of an ATV Maine affiliated club.
Must have basic computer skills.
The Safety Officer shall coordinate ATV Maine Safety trailers.
The Safety Officer is:
1. Responsible to assure trailers and equipment are maintained properly, maintaining records of said maintenance and inventory of equipment. Maintenance records will be forwarded to the Business Manager yearly.
2. Responsible for coordinating and scheduling of trailer use and completion of paperwork with the registering club.
3. Responsible for coordinating ATV Maine Safety Course Training and documentation of the training.
4. To ensure that there is a Safety Trained person at any safety course presented by an ATV Maine club.
5. To maintain a list of Safety trained personnel for all clubs.
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Position Title: Webmaster
Reports to: President
Position Status: ☐ Hired ☒ Stipend ☒ Volunteer (Voted)
Appointed/hired by: Board of Directors
Term Limit: Yearly
Salary/Stipend: $400.00 per year
General Qualifications:
To protect the integrity of the organization
Must have excellent diplomatic and communication skills for the level of the position
Must be a self-motivator
Must be a member of an ATV Maine affiliated club
Must have advanced computer skills
The Webmaster will effectively present the philosophy of ATV Maine through the Internet. The Webmaster will be:
1. Able to and will design and maintain a creative, functional and interactive website.
2. Responsible for coordinating web links, both informational and advertisements, that go onto the website.
3. Responsible for staying abreast of the current trends and technologies being used in web design and management.
4. Responsible for establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with other recreational organizations, associations and the general public.
Revised 9-2014