Why sponsor the
ATVMaine.org website?
The ATVMaine.org website has the most complete ATV trail, safety, and educational content available on the web. There are approximately 100 separate HTML pages of content available from this website.
The target audience is the most affluent age group who are investing in outdoor recreation machines and accessories.
Support of this site permits you to be a good community citizen by supporting education and safety training among the recreation participants.
Given the focused audience for the information, this site has amazing local Maine traffic. National exposure has also been demonstrated by this site. Traffic to the site is expected to grow with additional links and inclusion on more search engines. Present activity statistics, as published by our domain host (more accurate than the counters appearing on the site – a third party objective view), show that the site is receiving an amazing number of hits and visitors each day. Comments from website readers attest to the value of the service and information provided by the website. If you would like to sponsor as an individual or a family, join your local ATV Maine affiliated ATV club. If you would like to sponsor as a business please read on.
ATVMaine.org website offers many ways that an organization can promote their products and company from within the popular ATV Maine and information website.
What Types of Businesses
Benefit From Sponsorship?
- ATV Dealerships
- ATV Rental Agencies
- Truck/Automobile Dealerships
- Utility Trailer Dealerships/Manufacturers
- ATV or Motorcycle Manufacturers
- Governmental Land Management Agencies
- Community Governments
- Chambers of Commerce
- Restaurants Near Trail Venues
- Hotels/Motels/Campgrounds
- Travel Agencies
- Recreation Product Merchants
- Realtors
- And many more!
Ride sponsorships are available for existing trails and for future trails.
Sponsors can also request special information pages created by ATVMaine.org residing on the ATVMaine.org server, or we can create the link to a special information page on your server.